
We have a full library of the original printed or recorded materials of L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of Scientology and even many of his Science Fiction writings.

This is the library with the originals from which all the Rising Phoenix scans and assorted digitalized materials derive. In other words anyone having these materials – for their personal use – can always point to the source library where the legitimately owned materials are stored and preserved.

The Rising Phoenix was the mark of a Sufi Master who worked with us for several years doing OT Levels, researching and digitalizing our library, the late* Sir Naveed Maqbool – as he was known by his pupils in London.

The entire collection became known as the Sir Naveed Collection and was donated to the True Source Scientology Foundation (dutch Stichting True Source Scientology)

The XSCN Library is kept at the Bigera Haus which is the seat of the MGT Institute for Consciousness Exploration, Salzer Strasse 9a, 39221 Bördeland, OT Biere.

*Willing Departure Sir Naveed Maqbool