Hubbardian scientology LF
Neo-Hubbardian scientology sF
Post Hubbardian scientology F
Robertsonian scientology LF
Filbertian scientology F
Nordenholz scientology LF
Ethierian scientology sF
Ecclesiastical scientology X
KSW scientology X
Non-KSW scientology X
Independent scientology X
Freezone scientology X
Supernoetic scientology sF
Dane DEEP scientology X
Spiritological scientology LF
Metapsychological scientology F
Elkin scientology X
IFA scientology X
Funchian scientology (Transformational scientology) X
Philosophical scientology X
Technical scientology X
Early Hubbardian scientology F
Late Hubbardian scientology sF
Standard scientology X
Aboriginal scientology X
Open source scientology X
Open scientology LFBD FN, VGIs
Cog: This is it, it corresponds to what scientology originally was a subject with a definite purpose to ascend to higher spiritual states of being using a variety of consciousness and introspective technology collected from many different researchers, it was open to contribution and advancement.