“Survival is our past Q. we were operating from “life is survival”: goal of life is to survive. to survive employs space and time. and that word survival, by the way, evaluates this life, it evaluates most things. but it doesn’t evaluate everything. the thing it doesn’t evolve is all universes, because you don’t have to base a universe on the tenet survival. you can have an instantaneous universe which has no time in it. hence the word survival was betrayed.

Now, what is this other Q? we’ve had two or three, by the way: there was this survival and then there was the higher level of self-determinism as beingness. and now we have the Q of self-determinism defined.

Q simply means the most common datum that sums all other data and the point from which we are operating. It does not say there is no higher point. It does not say that point does not exist.”

LRH, Introduction: The Q List and Beginning of Logics.

The new and higher Q [2022]:

The highest common denominator of all of existence is: existential mathematics, the mathematics of thought underlying all mind and matter.

“There is the mathematical reality of this platonic world which gives reality to these notions, so if you like, mathematical facts like there is no largest prime number is eh.. it’s something independent of ourselves it’s always been true it doesn’t, didn’t somehow become true as soon as someone seems to prove it, it’s always been true…”

In the philosophical discussion about whether mathematics is human invention or whether it is discovered, Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose is on the side of discovery.

Sir Roger Penrose

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