Condition of Enemy – a Positive View

When a person is an avowed and knowing enemy of an individual, a group, project or organization, a Condition of Enemy exists. The formula for the Condition of Enemy is just one step: FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Introduction Into Scientology Ethics, L. Ron Hubbard

One could read this as unconditional love. The underlying philosophy here is that an actual enemy is not real, cannot exist or has no sufficient reason to exist. However if you are against a group’s project, it does not mean that you are the enemy of that group. You may just have a good reason to be against the project without being against the group or organization.

A real and workable formula for the  positive condition of enemy is: BE STRONG AND FIND OUT HOW TO EFFECTIVELY AND WITH MINIMUM ENERGY EXPENDITURE DEPOWER THE ENEMY.

This is the formula that should be applied by any serious progressive, leftists to the enemies, the Old World Order of psychopath, predatory capitalists, oligarchs, monarchs, popes, kings, international bankers, corporate CEOs and their lieutenants in politics and religion. The real progressives would want a New World Order, where we can all flourish and prosper.