Expanded Grade 0 – 4 Rehab/Verification

What follows is a summary of the results of about 60 hrs of ability processing delivered at the MGT Institute over the last few months: (In English translation followed by the German original)

I did the grades in 1990/91 and spent about 10 months on this cycle. I did not know any better and I was quite satisfied, after all I had wins. At the same time I was studying the levels of the Academy and the more I knew the more doubts came up as to whether I had really reached the EPs of the grades. Later on the bridge I got stuck which strengthened my doubts. But I was not allowed at the time to check the grades and possible complete them.

I had to wait for 25 years.but now it is a done and I can start of by saying that I no longer have the slightest doub, that I gained the full EPs of Grades 0-4 exactly as given in the reference materials.

Bit by bit we closed the gaps with super wins on several parts, which are going far beyond what was gained in the earlier auditing.

Since I completed Grade Zero, many people want to speak to me. I was not used to that and was at first surprised about it, but it is wonderful that I can now communicate effortlessly and freely with anyone.Also the objective processes were completed and I am very awake ever since. A slight haze of cloudiness in my consciousness was still there hardly noticeable, but now this is gone.

Grade 1 was amazing and clearly raised my productivity. I have not worked so much in years and with a lot of pleasure as well. Grade 2 again made me very aware of the value of having one’s own integrity. With this awareness life is really more simple and the withholds are just gone.

Grade 2 hat mir wieder deutlich vor Augen geführt, wie wertvoll die eigene Integrität ist.Mit diesem Bewusstsein ist das Leben deutlich einfacher und die Zurückhaltungen sind verschwunden.

Grade 3 is simply a blessing. Changes are absolutely needed to create a new future. I am happy to get going now energetically.

Grade 4 was the crown. A powerful blockage that was lying accross my life has disappeared into the past. Surely that was the biggest win on the Grades. To say my energy level has multiplied is an understatement.

My dream is fulfilled, the End Phenomena of the Grades. Caspar and the MGT team deserve the greatest recognition and heartiest thanks.   L.E.



1990/91 machte ich die Grade, ich war ca. 10 Monate auf diesem Zyklus. Ich wusste es nicht besser und war ganz zufrieden, ich hatte ja Gewinne. Gleichzeitig studierte ich die Levels und je mehr ich wusste, um so mehr kamen mir Zweifel, dass ich die EPs der Grade wirklich erreicht hatte. Später auf der Brücke bin ich dann steckengeblieben, was die Zweifel verstärkte. Es wurde mir aber nicht gestattet, die Grade zu überprüfen und evtl. zu komplettieren.

25 Jahre musste ich warten, doch jetzt ist es vollbracht und vorneweg, ich habe nicht die geringsten Zweifel mehr, dass ich das volle EP der Grade 0 bis 4 erreicht habe, so wie dies gemäß den Referenzen vorhergesagt wurde. Stück für Stück haben wir die Lücken geschlossen mit teilweise sagenhaften Gewinnen, die weit über das des früheren Auditings hinausgehen.

Seit ich Grad 0 abgeschlossen habe, wollen viele Leute mit mir sprechen. Ich war das nicht gewöhnt, war erstmal erstaunt, aber es ist wunderschön, dass ich jetzt so zwanglos und frei mit allen kommunizieren kann. Auch Objektive Prozesse wurden komplettiert und ich bin seither sehr wach. Ein Hauch von Bewusstseinstrübung war immer noch vorhanden, kaum spürbar, jetzt ist es weg.

Grad 1 war erstaunlich, es hat meine Produktivität deutlich gesteigert, ich habe so viel wie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gearbeitet und das mit viel Spaß.

Grad 2 hat mir wieder deutlich vor Augen geführt, wie wertvoll die eigene Integrität ist. Mit diesem Bewusstsein ist das Leben deutlich einfacher und die Zurückhaltungen sind verschwunden.

Grad 3 ist einfach ein Wohltat. Veränderungen sind dringend erforderlich, um eine neue Zukunft zu erschaffen. Ich freue mich, mit Tatkraft jetzt durchzustarten.

Grad 4 die Krönung. Eine mächtige Blockade, die quer über mein Leben lag ist Vergangenheit. Ganz sicher der größte Gewinn auf den Graden. Meine Energie hat sich vervielfacht, das ist wahrscheinlich eine Untertreibung.

Mein Traum ging in Erfüllung, die EPs der Grade. Caspar und dem Team gebührt die größte Anerkennung und den allerherzlichsten Dank. L.E.

Imagine a free space…

Imagination is the powerful ability of the human mind to envision a different state or condition from what is already manifested.

Imagination must be present in order to create a different state of existence than the one currently being experienced.

For a different state to manifest in the physical world it must first exist in the mind. If the imagination is stifled or destroyed (total mind control) any positive change to our state of existence becomes completely impossible.

The existing scene on earth is one of mankind struggling with itself, with poor science and technology, pollution, hunger, organized exploitation (slavery) and suppression, criminality and wars.

Let’s shift this picture to the background and now imagine

A FREE SPACE      (click for pdf)

We need a free space to be free.


In free space the truth is not withheld.

There are no authorities in free space.

There is no government in free space.

There are no laws in free space.

There is no taxation in free space.

One is free to move in free space.


All live there on the basis of equality

with free will to play cause and effect.

Inhabitants are aware of each other,

envisioning possible contributions to others.

They decide what to do on their own

There is no domination in free space


It’s fun to live there.


Education leads to the full development

 of innate potentials, providing the know-how

to live with maximal freedom,

encouraging discovery,

not a mere transmission

 of information.


Free space will stay free as long as

those who live in free space

keep it free

 and those who cannot stand it

 are free to leave.


de Nada

Service Rationale

The MGT Institute for Consciousness has opened its academy again for those who wish to study the ‘classic’ Scientology training levels from Academy Level 0 to Class IX.

We are exterior to Scientology, we do not identify with Scientology or identify ourselves as scientologists. We are not connected to the Church of Scientology (CO$). Our position is that we can use anything out of scientology, just like we use other applicable spiritual technology.

The MGT Institute operates on a multiple viewpoint system (multi genius technologies) so anyone studying here understands that other subjects are also taught in the same or in adjacent spaces and a high degree of tolerance for different viewpoints is required.

One important thing to understand is that scientology is not a singular. Scientology is a word which denotes a complex which consists of a church, a paramilitary naval organization, management organizations, a religion, a philosophy, a social-spiritual movement, a founder, several brilliant but unnamed researchers, two sciences (a psychology), a number of spiritual and mental technologies and a number of derivatives, and a history from 1950 to the present.

Scientology has been defined in several ways, one of those definitions is: ‘That branch of psychology which treats of (embraces) human ability.’ LRH

If we just limit ourselves to technology then there are several distinctly different versions of Hubbardian Ecclesiastical Scientology, there is an official Scientology™ church version. There is Robertsonian scientology promoted and delivered by so called Rons orgs. There is something less clearly defined, known as independent scientology, meaning not depending on the church but technology-wise often rather close to the technology delivered in the church.

There is the science of consciousness known as Nordenholz scientology of 1934.

There are the KSW (Keeping Scientology Working) and non- or pre-KSW versions of Hubbardian scientology. There is a variety of Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard an individual and L. Ron Hubbard as a trademark and there is the L. Ron Hubbard Library. L. Ron Hubbard library is a property of the Church of Spiritual Technology and it has legal license to authorize the complete re-writing  or editing of the works of L. Ron Hubbard.

There are Neo-Hubbardian and Post-Hubbardian developments of scientology technology.

One Neo-Hubbardian who is continuing in the footsteps of LRH is Class XII, Pierre Ethier who is (re)-constructing an Upper Bridge beyond OT VIII. Then there is Ralph Hilton of Scientology Austria, who is researching OT 9. There was Ken Ogger aka the Pilot who developed a range of scientology materials. There are probably several more. Another one was Andreas Buttler, who claimed he had been Hubbard in his last lifetime and developed his scientology version and called it Spiritologie. But Buttler gave up all claims and quietly withdrew in 2013.

There is even an LRH contemporary and former partner who published a complete scientology lineup that is different from Hubbard’s in many respects. This we could refer to as Filbertian scientology. (G.C.Filbert)

Then there are the various technologies (techniques) published under the Hubbard name. Book One Dianetics, Standard Dianetics, New Era Dianetics, New Era Dianetics for OTs, Scientology technique 80, Technique 88, Creative Processing, Effort Processing, Advanced Procedure, SOPs, SOP Goals, GPM processing, Clearing procedures, pre-OT levels, L10,11, and 12 etc.

We recognize L.Ron Hubbard as the polymath he was, but also see the mad genius aspect. The genius part played mostly between 1950 – 1965, thereafter the madness started to show in his harshness, paranoia and claiming he was the only source of scientology technology when the facts – now known – clearly show other sources and that many brilliant researchers assisted in the development of that technology.

We see scientology essentially as an incomplete subject that pretended to have the route out completely taped, a very valuable collection of research data, some proven technology and some things to be investigated further.

We have people on lines with all kinds of different backgrounds, some studied Robertsonian Scientology (Capt Bill Robertson’s technology), or Spiritologie and switched to ‘pure’ Hubbard tech and vice verse. Some people may study other spiritual technology or different types of processing or use different kinds of galvanometers or other  biofeedback instruments.

Therefore certain technical choices must be made.  Such choices are always made in full agreement with the being, after having been fully advised of the possibilities, conditions and implications.

Terms and Conditions, Exchange Rates

We deliver only, what we call, binary training, in scientologese it is called the twin system.

Our schedules are published on www.mgtconcepts.com

Courses should be booked at least one month in advance and an enrollment form filled out.

Courses are charged at € 50 per day.

A minimum of 7 days must be prepaid at the time of booking.

The NOTs, Scientology (Review) Auditing and Power Processing Class IX rate is € 95 p. hr. Rates may vary per auditor usually € 65 – 95  per hr.

The Class IX Senior Case Supervisor is the highest authority on scientology technical matters.

Scientology, what is wrong with the right of disconnection

It is questionable whether it is even possible to completely disconnect from one’s fellow human beings. In a limited sense it may even be considered a human right not to allow communication from another, if this communication is not desirable or negative. In fact such disconnection is not uncommon. It occurs in religious contexts like amongst Jehova’s Witnesses and is also known as religious shunning. It is found in families beyond any religious context, for various reasons. It is met in political contexts as in countries severing diplomatic ties. Historically the practice of ostracism goes all the way back to ancient Greece.

One could say there is nothing intrinsically wrong with disconnection in the sense that anyone has the right to communicate or not to communicate as part of self determination or free will.

But the ‘disconnection’ practiced in Scientology is of a different kind and inconsistent with Scientology’s own advertized beliefs and principles. This is what scientologists themselves should be made aware of.

Scientology, what is wrong with the right of disconnection_Page_1_Image_0001What we are talking about is the practice of disconnection from family members as it is done in Scientology nowadays. This would not have been allowed and was frowned upon in the early seventies. Scientologists who had trouble with family members were admonished to always seek to handle by proper communication and disconnection was only used as a last resort.

To explain this fully we will need to review some Scientology principles and specialized terminology.

Hubbard and thus Scientology adopted in 1965 the view that some small percentage of mankind is anti social in the extreme and that these people are psychotics and do not respond to treatment.

Hubbard referred to such people as Suppressive Persons and promptly started to also use this same label to get rid of staffmembers or others who would not quite agree with him or ‘were damaging scientology’ for example by ‘failures to keep scientology working’,‘continued membership in a divergent group’, ‘informing fellow staff members and others that one is leaving staff’or ‘initiating a breakaway group’ etc.

A person, a scientologist who was connected to such a person became known as a potential trouble source or PTS.

The rule was when a PTS was found he or she had to handle or disconnect.

In September 1983 the Church issued a bulletin that changed the way scientologists had been dealing with family members who were no longer in agreement with the Church. In this bulletin the reader is subtly misled (through source bias, confirmation bias) and suggested to read over the internal inconsistency. It states on the third page:

“When an Ethics Officer finds that a Scientologist is PTS to a family member, he does not recommend that the person disconnect from the antagonistic source. The Ethics Officer’s advice to the Scientologist is to handle.”

Further down it actually defines the characteristic of the person (SP) to be disconnected from as one whose normal  operating basis is one of making others smaller, less able, less powerful. A person who does not want anyone to get better, at all.

On the next page an example is given which shows that instant disconnection is required when the antagonistic source–which incidentally could also be a family member– is labeled SP by the organization itself.

The internal inconsistency was that the text said clearly that disconnection is used only on a persons whose normal  operating basis is one of making others smaller, less able, less powerful.

Scientology, what is wrong with the right of disconnection_Page_2_Image_0001This could obviously not be said of old-time Scientologists, people who had been personal friends of LRH, former high ranking Sea Org members, OT VII’s, and even Class XII auditors who were declared SP by the Church, without invalidating the workability of the technology. Therefore this rule was sneaked in in such a way that it could actually be denied that there was such a rule.

Requiring scientologists to disconnect from any scientologist who dared to question or criticize church management or demand reform of some kind and was therefore declared to be an SP, can be understood as an attempt to protect the leadership of the Church.  For this purpose the concept of SPs was redefined to include people who tell the truth about L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists.

So what is wrong with disconnection in Scientology, is the same thing that is wrong in many cults, governments and closed groups which try to prevent the membership from looking too close into the doings (intrigues) of their leadership.

See LRH original viewpoint on disconnection as expressed in a letter to the Australian Board of Inquiry  LRH Letter re Disconnection


Imagination Processing is not Creative Processing

The reason for this post is to clarify why the two are not the same and to correct an earlier false impression we gave that they were. It is written in particular for those who are familiar with Scientology vocabulary.

Imagination Processing–as used in MGT for Consciousness procedures–is similar to but not the same as the Creative Processing initiated by Hubbard in the early fifties. At the time when the book Scientology 8-8008 was written, creative processing was used as a universal process. Consider this from the Tech Dictionary:


  1. that processing which addresses the postulates, evaluations and conclusions of the preclear at the level of self-determined thought, yet postulate processing has some value when addressed to stimulus-response ideas. Postulate processing is the primary and highest method of processing a thetan. With creative processing, it constitutes Scn 8-8008. (Scn 8-8008, p. 37)
  2. the process or any process which permits an individual to change his postulates. (PDC 37)

Hubbard, it can be seen from the above clearly differentiated postulate processing from creative processing. Postulate processing 1951 was done with straight wire (Recall). The preclear would say for example that he never liked other people. The auditor would say: ”When did you decide not to like other people” and follows it up with further recall to an EP.

Creative processing was really creating mental images purely, without reference to the past, as illustrated by an LRH advice in PAB 72 where he warned that …”In mocking up … the auditor should use all the skills of creative processing and ensure that the preclear is actually mocking up and is not dragging in old facsimiles from the bank and restimulating … incidents.”

Step 6 of the 1957 Clear Procedure consisted entirely of Creative Processing.

“Imagination can then create without reference to pre-existing states, and is not necessarily dependent upon experience or data and does not necessarily combine these for its products. Imagination could be classified as the ability to create or forecast a future or to create, change or destroy a present or past.” LRH, Scn 8-8008 pg 7/8

Note that the wording in the above paragraph is “not necessarily”. This is of some importance in what follows. This is the background to understanding of what we are now doing with Imagination Processing. The following completes the picture.

A few years later it was found that Creative Processing resulted in beefing up the bank in some cases. This was called the Step Six Phenomenon (of Scientology Clear Procedure). Thereafter Creative Processing was virtually dropped from the toolbox forever.

There is one more Scientology procedure that has some relevance here and that is Concept Processing.

“Concept running is easily done. The preclear “gets the idea” of knowing or not being and holds it, whilst looking at his time track. The concept runs out, or the somatic it brings on runs out, and the concept itself is run. It is not addressed at individual incidents but at hundreds.” LRH, Scn 8-80

Now in order to get to the point of the comparison let us consult the common definitions of the word ‘Imagine’ as per McMillan Dictionary:

  1. to form a picture of something or someone in your mind
  2. to have an idea of what something is like or what it might be like
  3. used for showing that you are surprised by something or cannot believe it
  4. to have an idea that something exists or is happening, when in fact it does not exist or is not happening

At the MGT Institute for Consciousness we have been using a type of processing, which we call Universal Imagination Processing. This is a new approach based on the earlier Creative Processing, Postulate Processing and Concept Processing trio.

The word Imagine is used in its general dictionary definition as given above. For that and other reasons it was not demanding strict “mockups” (pure fantasy mental creations) as was the case with the abandoned creative processing.  What was found was that running considerations, postulates and/or concepts with Imagination processing did in effect the same as the above trio but without any unwanted side effects.

The imagination would ‘gently’ stir up the actual underlying charge from incidents without having to run individual incidents. In this manner it functioned similarly to concept processing. Starting out from a charged consideration it would then clear up all ‘attachments’ in a rather smooth way, similar to postulate processing but without having to ask for the time and place–these would show up anyway if it mattered at all. And last but not least the beauty and power of the original creative processing becomes evident in the magnificent results and that without the need to demand specific mock ups.

“Scientology 8-8008” meant the attainment of infinity by the reduction of the MEST universe’s apparent infinity to zero and the increase of the zero of one’s own universe to an infinity of one’s own universe. This road–LRH said in the fifties–is attained by postulate processing and creative processing.

That road is wide open again in Universal Imagination Processing!


The questionable wisdom of not receiving communication

Ethics: “do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it”

The above ethical principle originated in Scientology and was penned down as part of a writing called ‘The code of honor’ by L. Ron Hubbard. It was accepted without question by many of Hubbard’s followers.

It formed the basis of the practice of disconnection that the Church of Scientology is practicing consistently as soon as one of their kind deviates from the norm.

Apart from upset families, it has also resulted in many people within the perimeter of that church, never finding out that almost the same technology was delivered by other people outside of the control of the church and more efficiently at that.

Man is very much dependent on what the othermembers of mankind are doing and thinking. One cannot in fact disconnect from mankind, nor from the Earth.

Everyone should have the right to agree or disagree with anything communicated but to restrict communication to what is desirable is tantamount to cutting oneself off from the real world. Much of what could turn out to be vital information comes in uninvited.

One most likely does not desire to be presented with information or ideas that go against one’s belief system. Even more likely one does not desire to be offended, maligned or worse, yet receiving such communications may be of crucial importance to maintain awareness of what is going on around one.

The rule given above in fact amounts to installing communication blocks and the least that can be said about it is, that it is unworkable.

I definitely do not desire to hear about another restrictive law or tax raise yet it may save me endless troubles if I am informed beforehand.

Another example is when one does not desire to receive communication regarding sexual abuse. It may be just be that one finds out a little late that a convicted sex offender was living just on the other side of the street. A much more workable precept would be:

“Stay in communication with the world around you but do not automatically accept or agree with what was said, written or shown”.

De Nada


Scientologics I call the concept of applying plain logic and common sense to a broad subject generally referred to as Scientology.

There is a difference first of all between scientology as a subject and an organization officially named the Church of Scientology. The church is sometimes referred to as a sect, this is incorrect. A sect is by definition a split off. Correct is that the church of Scientology has over the years given birth to several sects. A few examples are the Ron’s Orgs, also referrred to as Freezone, the American Independents, Knowledgism, Landmark Forum etc.

Scientology is the title of a book written around 1934 by Dr. A. Nordenholz and contains a philosophical treatise and outline of a science of knowing.

Hubbardian Scientology is a collection of philosophical and religious views and techniques for increasing spiritual and mental awareness and abilities assembled, re-interpreted and invented by the late L.R Hubbard.

Hubbard did not follow the academic tradition of acknowledging and referencing his sources. He didn’t follow ‘proper’ scientific experimental procedure and only published his conclusions. Many of the principles of the actual Dianetics and Scientology counseling, could for example be derived from Carl Rogers work1. Some elements trace directly to Freud and Jung.

But L.R. Hubbard inspired many and indeed forwarded and created new approaches in mass marketing spirituality, with concepts like self-analysis and ‘do-it-yourself or with a mate’  psycho-therapy. As a young psychology student in 1970 at Utrecht University, I was inspired, it promised adventure and was more attractive than listening to my professor declaring psychology to be the soulless “study of behavior and the forms of organization of that behavior”.

The first few years 1950-1954 Hubbard started a break away movement of independence from the orthodox psychoanalysts and he was one of the first to cry out against psychiatric abuses such as pre-frontal lobotomies long before Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz wrote “The Myth of Mental Illness” (1961)

Some facts are…

that he inspired a spiritual movement and established a church, which was not christian science but it had scientific appeal.

It was instrumental to get a large number of people to experiment with their own minds and investigating the spiritual realms when this was not so common in the fifties.

He obviously used many sources and was not given to credit each one specifically but stressed his own mixn catharsis analysis, but with a fresh approach not only in marketing, but also int

The treatment of the subject in the media is as characteristic of modern media, full of generalities and imprecise statements and a mix of true as well as false data.

In Germany the state officials or politicians consider Scientology to be anti-democratic due to a Hubbard stating that “…democracy gave us inflation and income tax.” Considering the

1Counseling and Psychotherapy, Carl Rogers (1942)


I have spent 25 years in the Sea Org and had a lot of fun and a good game, giving lots of counseling sessions to people mostly with great results.

I left when Miscavige became abusive and directly affecting my own life. I did the PTS/SP course in the RPF at Flag in Clearwater and left the Sea Org on graduation from the course, leaving no doubt as to my opinion of what was going on and who the real suppressive was.

Scientology Disconnection

I lost all contact to my ex-wife and two daughters since I voiced my opinions on radio and tv in the Netherlands since 2004. Soon after my first public utterances, at first still aimed only towards reform of the church, I received letters of disconnection from my daughters.

Perhaps this church is more christian than I thought, as even in the New Testament things like this are described, for example in Matthew 10, 34-37:

  1. Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring         peace, but a sword.
  1. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

 36.  Your enemies will be right in your own household!

  1. If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine.

 Caspar de Rijk, ex-scientologist and Sea Org Member, Class IX


Peculiarity of the basic tenet of Spiritologie

Andreas Buttler, the founder of Spiritologie said in his written statement which was published in January 2014.

“Anyone who has been extensively involved with Spiritologie knows the foundations, on which it is built. These fundamentals define why we do sessions why we look for considerations and why we want to gradually improve and perfect our thinking.

The most important foundation pillar can be found in the chapter “The Spiritual Being”:

All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”

What was worrying me was the fact that in the last two years I experienced different things, which contradicted the foundations as shown in the above statements; which meant that I did after all find exceptions to these basic statements….etc

Andreas then goes on and finally states:

“Since I can no longer with a clear conscience – from current view and state of knowledge represent the basic statements of the book as “demonstrably and without exception” true, I renounce my declarations in support of the fundamentals described in my book Spiritologie” and in various lectures!”

This ground pillar of Spiritologie is an interesting statement from a logical point of view. Read the statement in italics above again. First he believed it was true and now he says and believes it is false.

Logic 1: Andreas thinks the fundamental is false that means that Andreas experiences the statement as false and that this experience is not caused by his thinking right now.

Logic 2: By his causative thinking that the statement is false, he will experience that the statement is false. Thus the statement is true.

Do you follow?

Self reference Ouberos

If anyone for that matter thinks the fundamental tenet – the statement – is not true, they will experience exactly that. This confirms the statement.

So now we can all see this and recognize that the fundamental tenet of Spiritologie as stated by Andreas Buttler is and was a self-referential statement. So here we have the paradox all nicely laid out and we can stop worrying about it.

I have no doubt that Andreas was not aware of the full implications as we have sketched above. Once he does see that it may be a relief also for him

de Nada, 2014 March 13

*See here about Self-reference

Holy Cows, Scientists and Scientologists

We will look at the following: Science and scientology are actually religions! 

It is not accidental that the words scientist and scientologist have several letters in common. Even though this may come to some as an inept comparision there are some similarities that warrant a brief moment of contemplation.

Some scientologists consider anybody not part of their world as inferior and uninformed. But arrogance is found amongst both types. I remember meeting B.F. Skinner while attending a congress on Programmed Instruction in London as a young psychology student and saying to myself what an arrogant fellow. This was based on his behavior and way of talking and that his theory was the only possible explanation.

L. Ron Hubbard was a smart man and original thinker. He was publishing every discovery made by his co-workers as his own work. So do some scientists.

However this is not the point I wish to make. There is a much more important common denominator of scientists and scientologists. They both have strong belief systems. Each of these groups have characteristic holy cows and let me try and tell you the principal ones.

The scientologists believe that considerations or thought in general is senior to the material universe and that nobody will ever be able to master their thought or find the truth without auditing, which is what they call their method to find out.

Scientists on the other hand have an absolute trust and confidence in what they call the scientific method. They strongly believe that the only way to find out or gain real knowledge of the material universe is by the experimental method.

Both groups thus have limited themselves considerably in their methods of acquiring truth. Holy cows are religious, one could say therefore that scientology and science are both religions, quod erat demonstrandum.

De Nada, 2014 March 11th


Non-holistic view of the universe

An example from the “Three Universes” theory of Scientology.

The idea of the three universes as taught in Hubbardian philosophy is strictly in line with the American individualist paradigm and also with the classical atomist model of the universe. The physical universe in that view is the product of individual spirits joining in a co-creative project, each contributing part of their individual universes.

“The universes, then, are three in number: the universe created by one viewpoint, the universe created by every other viewpoint, the universe created by the mutual action of viewpoints which is agreed to be upheld — the physical universe.”                     Hubbard, The Factors (8-8008), April 23, 1953.

In other words the group consists of individuals or the molecule consists of atoms, which consists of ‘individual’ particles and the universe consists of elementary atomic, individual universes. This puts the particle or individual as the underlying basic structure of reality. This is still the favorite bottom up approach we know from mainstream science. You put all the elements together and thus build a whole.

What a difference it is to start from the highest level of the Absolute or Infinity which is an undivided whole. We have already seen this in our rendition of the new scientific theory of creation. It all started holistically. The whole is primary and the parts stem from the whole and not the other way around. The parts would not even exist without the whole. Saying that the whole is built from the parts is clearly backwards. The whole can be divided–not without loss–into parts, that is the more accurate statement.

Alright so how did the physical universe come about?

Condensed in a very few words it was the Absolute or the divinity itself that brought it about by its desire to see something new.  But being infinity it had no choice but to split itself into a seer and something to see. That something to see was the origin of the physical universe.

This is of course extremely abbreviated history, but you can be sure that it was not a number of Greek Gods meeting on Mt. Olympus each bringing some elements and putting together the physical universe. There is a great difference between this view and the holistic, divine paradigm.

…see also the post on Quantity and Quality in relationship

de Nada