Word Clearing Method One Outpoints & Half Truth

Method 1 Word Clearing was the first method developed in the early seventies. It has some basic assumptions which we will examine here. The method consists of assessing a list of subjects and asking for misunderstood words in these subjects. It was a further development of what was known in the sixties as Remedy B. But unlike these remedies–which were mere assist actions–word clearing was ritualized in 1972.

See also the article ‘Word Clearing  Rituals’ . Remedy B was an assist done where needed. Method 1 was a generalized procedure for everyone.


Regardless of whether these are valid or true we list the assumptions:

Method 1 assumes that everyone has misunderstoods and holes in their education.

Method 1 assumes that that a reading subject contains misunderstood words. One of the subjects listed is for example sex and who knows whether it reads on slang word, a withhold or a hidden desire.

Method 1 assumes that a misunderstood word on the list of subjects, is also a subject that contains misunderstood words.

Method 1 assumes there must be chains of words in a reading subject.


There is no check in Method 1 to be sure that the read on the subject is the same as the read on the misunderstood word.

Method 1 omits the essential step to achieve the proclaimed EP–recovery of one’s education–which would be to restudy the subject after the misunderstoods have been cleared.

It also violates the principle of ‘inspection before the fact’, as there may be someone who does not need their education recovered.

Outpoints are often what is omitted. The biggest omission is the role of false data contained in a subject. How can you clear an education or a subject without taking this aspect into account?

The standard procedure when getting a read on a subject would have been to ask about the subject to see what the read was on. Then if it concerned difficulties with the subject or confusions about it or anything pointing to the presence of misunderstood words one would be asking for a misunderstood word in the subject.

False attests

The proclamation that Method One Word Clearing leads to the recovery of one’s education is a half truth at best due to omitting the re-study requirement. To require the student to attest to: “Recovery of one’s education” without this, is setting the stage for dishonesty.  

Earlier Tech

The earlier remedies A & B did not suffer from these outpoints, see the 1964 bulletin on Definitions Processing. Despite these outpoints many people report great wins and results, but where it goes sour, the above may be the reasons.




HCO PL OF 25 SEPTEMBER 1979RB Word Clearing Series 34

Word Clearing Rituals

I have been working the last few months on a scientology research project – as part of a new book – aiming to scrutinize scientology by logically applying it to itself.  The discovery of ritual Word Clearing is a relatively small part of it. In Scientology Word Clearing has become “prescription only”, meaning it is has to be done in a rigorous ‘holy’ never to be questioned manner, anything else is an ethics offense.

Method 8 Shock

I looked up the bulletin on Word Clearing Method 8 and to my astonishment I found sneaked into the text a complete invalidation of the student who is familiar with and knows the meaning of a word such as an average literate person. It was embedded in the following paragraphs:

“Method  8 is an  action  used  in  the  “Primary   Rundown” where  one is studying Study  Tech  or  where  one  is  seeking  a  full  grasp  of  a subject.  Its End Product  is SUPER-LITERACY. The steps are these: Usually an alphabetical list of every word or term in the text of a paper, a chapter or a recorded tape is available or provided.
1.   The  person  looks  up  each  word  on  the  alphabetical  list  and  uses each  in sentences until he has the meaning conceptually.
The words are looked up in a big dictionary. “
HCO BULLETIN OF 21 JUNE 1972 Issue IV Word Clearing Series 41  METHOD 8

Enforcing such a ritual as the above is a covert invalidation of the knowingness of the being, who knows the definitions. If not that, then it is at least an unnecessary burden and waste of time for the student, stretching the runway.

Primary Rundown

For some reason I had not noticed this before, but in an internet forum recently the Primary Rundown was being discussed and drew my interest. I had started that rundown in 1972 and had ended up in an endless chain of words to be cleared. I don’t even remember how it ended. So it is perhaps not surprising that some attention units got stuck there. I had been using the two volume World Book dictionary, a big dictionary, just like it said in the above bulletin.

The idea of clearing up the meaning of words and the effect of misunderstoods had been firmly established since the summer of 1964. This was when LRH did a course in photography and had many realizations about studying and gave a series of lectures on his findings. In the earlier Scientology materials the clearing of words outside of the context of clearing auditing commands is never mentioned.

It appeared to be a rather simple discovery that blanks in memory were caused by misunderstood words, however when the relationship between overts and the misunderstood word or symbol was revealed its true significance became apparent.

First Bulletin on PRD

Anyway back to the PRD, I looked up the first bulletin on the subject namely: HCOB 30 March 1972 The Primary Correction Rundown, Vol VIII, p.65  and it states the following simplicity:
(a) One time through picking up and looking up every word even faintly in doubt of or when not understanding, going back to find the word that was missed.
(b) Then going through the Study Tapes for content with Method 4 at the end of each tape.

This bulletin says it all, it is a simple and very doable action and won’t take very long in fact it would speed up one’s study and improve the quality. All the following HCOBs however start to complicate the action until one had created a formidable ‘rundown’ out of a simple action, which was already covered in the 9 July 1964 lecture on Data Assimilation.

Here is the origin of what was later blown up to a large and impressive rundown, the Primary Rundown.


“You see how important nomenclature is? But a comprehension of the nomenclature which is used is primary to the study of anything. Now, for instance, I’m studying a parallel course to get insights into study of Scientology. And a very, very smart thing – an extremely smart thing to do – is to take a page of material and look over it for words you don’t know – words that don’t instantly react to you. Circle each one of those words or make a list of each one of those words and look up and study their definitions or ask people and get definitions for them. Find out exactly what those words mean. Don’t tackle the subject of the page. Just tackle the nomenclature of the page. Get that nomenclature slick as a whistle, tackle the subject, you’ll find out the subject was very easy. From Studying: Data Assimilation L. Ron Hubbard 9 July 1964

All this raises some serious questions. What would be behind such blatant alter-is and over complication even as early as 1972? Why was the primary rundown later almost forgotten? Did they realize the blunder, but would rather obscure it rather than admit. Some few researchers have hinted that LRH was already replaced at the end of 1965.

Researchers such as Michel Snoeck, http://www.wiseoldgoat.com/ lists a lot of material on the history of the PRD but seems to have missed these points.

The next article will take up Method 1 Word Clearing

Dianetic Clear completes Expanded Dianetics Program

Expanded Dianetics Completion Realization

Perceiving is the opposite of creating and knowing that it is there. When the highest purpose in the Universe is to produce an effect, is perceiving taking an effect position and that opens the door to allowing someone to invade my universe and destroy my creation. And if I stay in effect position, I can become very concerned that my creation must be preserved. The solution would be to create again or continue to create instead of perceiving. The highest communication > highest ARC > highest affinity = love = admiration is that what the trap consists of. The trap is admiration, love, ARC which puts my position as creator and what I create in danger and forces me to hold onto my  “medals” or engrams, keeping them by creating time, alter-is-ness, and not-is-ness instead of creating the effect–which I want to create by all this, with so much effort (holding onto it)–directly!

I can create everything anew.

That is liberating.

Many thanks to Caspar and Ron who discovered everything and wrote it down so clearly.

ml, J P. M.