The immortal LRH – a recurrent phenomenon?

by Caspar de Rijk, Class IX, former Solo CS AOSHEU

The latest new LRH ‘Lafayette Ron Hubbard’, did something that none of the precursors have done. Taking on the legal name of L. Ron Hubbard is a bold assertion and a fresh alternative to the L.Ron Hubbard as a trademark. See on

There are more bold assertions:

“…I have researched and discovered an entirely new Technique and processes, that literally have infinite application to Standard Auditing and Solo Auditing, as well as to Pre-OT’s and OT’s alike…. THIS IS NAMED THE INFINITY TECHNIQUE…. things are about to change and all the hopes and dreams of what we once believed in and with Scientology, are not only about to be realized, but be surpassed.”

Then there is a datum presented in the (in)imitable LRH style as a new axiom: “THE QUALITY AND CHARACTER OF A THETAN CONSISTS OF A THETAN’S WHOLETRACK EXPERIENCE.” He also adds: “The nature of this axiom is so basic and all-encompassing, that it evaded my detection for all of these years. It is wild. It aligns all of the data.”

This ‘axiom’ violates the scientology principle of considerations being senior to mechanics. The quality and character of a thetan is composed of considerations about its own beingness. These would tend to determine what the being would experience and not the other way around.


But the veteran scientologist of course knows that this is old hat and fully covered in the first three axioms of Scientology.

Déjà vu

Now here’s the history lesson and déjà vu…

Ten years ago, in 2008 at the last broad Freezone Convention held in Europe near Magdeburg, Germany, a young man by the name of Andreas Buttler presented himself as the reincarnation of LRH.

It was on the 9th of May that year, that he presented his book SPIRITOLOGIE. Spiritology he defined as the science of the origin, infinite potential and the full rehabilitation of the spiritual being.

In his book he announced the great breakthrough that scientology now is going to be run from the 8th dynamic INFINITY. And all techniques are run from that viewpoint and incidentally doing away with the need for the pre-OT levels altogether.

The basic axiom of Spiritology was:


Based on this he developed a whole series of processes and the main one was a type of Creative/Concept /Postulate Processing which many people then started using all of the world with great results.

This formed the basis of the famous INFINITY RUNDOWN restoring the infinite powers of the spiritual being, the Pan-determinism rundown and the Absolute Zero Rundown (True Static).

I had been running a Freezone Rons Org for about four years and then turned it into a Spiritologie Org.

In 2013 however Andreas Buttler had gotten physically ill and as he himself could not have overlooked any adverse ‘causative thoughts’ he concluded that his belief that ‘there was always the thought, the concept or the idea, before anything would manifest’ must have been wrong. He then promptly withdrew the book, the subject and everything connected – incl. his own past identity–and that was the demise of ‘Spiritologie’ as far as he was concerned.

We didn’t agree with his downfall but as he was the originator and holder of the marks, we had no choice but to abandon the Spiritologie label, but we kept up the spirit of truth.

The infinity procedure and the infinity rundown.

An uncanny similarity. To me it feels like what Patricia Krenik of Freezone Elma–who of course knew about Spiritology– is doing now, I was doing then.

Nevertheless I wish them success. There is nothing wrong with postulate processing. It is the highest level processing there is, straight from the first three axioms.

Since the beginning of 2014, after we had said bye bye to the last guru, we, Claudia Moser and myself being dedicated truth seekers did a lot of further research, broadened the subject, improved the techniques, clarified the 8th dynamic concept and developed four Consciousness Exploration Routes. We realized that truth is not limited to what one guru reveals. We discovered that there are many other superb sources of wisdom and consciousness technology such as the Vedic scriptures to mention just one.  We discovered that we are multi dimensional beings living in a holographic fractal universe. Further we learned that any problems encountered in the three dimensional world are best solved from the perspective of the higher dimensions (higher self or zero domain)

We summarized all that in December 2015, in Multi Genius Technology for Consciousness, Volume I, titled “The Self-Explorer’s Handbook”. The principal technique we called Universal Imagination Processing©.

We are just pointing out here that there is another alternative for consciousness exploration still based on the proven processing concepts from the old Hubbard school. See  <>

Open Scientology

Position statement (addressed to those familiar with Scientology terminology)

We are ex-scientologists. We have no connection to the Church of Scientology. We feel free however to use any useful scientology technology for consciousness expansion. Thus we promote Open Scientology, which was the idea in the early years, when different researchers and experimenters contributed to the development of the subject. With open scientology we of course include the concept of open sourcing scientology.

Along with this come some definitions and the new abbreviation: XSCN which has several meanings one of which is Experimental Study of Consciousness and Noetics.


Exterior to Scientology, meaning in the first place being outside the sphere of influence and control of the Church of Scientology, independence and freedom from doctrinal narrow-mindedness characteristic of Ecclesiastical Scientology.

XScn also stands for a version of Scientology which is not limited to the first seven dynamics but includes the eighth dynamic in full.

It also means exterior to religion and science. Both science and religion are belief systems based on certain dogmas or axioms. X-Scn is to always be aware that consciousness itself will always be senior to any stabilized or semi-permanent models or statements of belief.

Due to the infinite nature of consciousness there will always be new or improved techniques, models and routes to expand consciousness, XScn thus also stands for a new standard i.e. Experimental Scientology, which is open to new input, ideas, improvements and even better than ‘standard’ technology, of course without discarding any proven principles or technology.

This is in line with the continual changes, improvements and development we have witnessed all through the history of the subject before and after its ‘standardization’ which were all based on actual experience or experiments. Just think of all the experimental work that went into GPM research.

And finally the X is an ancient symbol for transformation and change.


Ron Lafayette Hubbard, a controversial source of inspiration, an eclectic and visionary. A man who collected, (re)assembled, developed and disseminated a considerable and varied body of consciousness expansion technology, borrowing from Eastern Philosophy, Freudian, Jungian and Rogerian psychology as well as from the 19th Century New Thought Movement. A man who also fathered the derelict church of scientology.


A word with several distinctly different meanings and subdivisions, including a trademark:

The obvious meaning of the word is: the science studying knowledge and science in general.

Scientology sounds a lot better than epistemology and would have been the word of choice if it had not been contaminated by a cult. The word Scientology was first used in a scientific context in 1871, by Stephen Pearl Andrews and should never have been trademarked.

According to Dr. A. Nordenholz, Scientology is the science of the character and soundness of knowing and knowledge (knowingness).

According to L.R. Hubbard it was the science of knowing how to know further defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life. This definition could equally apply to many other spiritual philosophies including sanatana dharma, buddhism, theosophy or antroposophy, to mention a few.

Nordenholz Scientology

Scientology: The science of the quality and adequacy of knowing and knowingness, was developed by Dr. A. Nordenholz, which is a neo-Kantian, epistemological, axiomatic, philosophical dissertation and scientific treatise but does not provide techniques of consciousness exploration.

Hubbardian Scientology

The body of knowledge and spiritual technology assembled, interpreted, developed and disseminated by L. Ron Hubbard and affiliates during the years 1950 – 1986. It started as a relatively open system but ended up as a closed system around 1965 with the issuance of a ‘Keeping Scientology Working’ Policy.  Geoffrey Filbert, a compeer of Hubbard’s asserted that the original Hubbard disappeared in December 1965 and was replaced. Others stated or surmised that the same happened around 1972. All this is questionable and it may just be that Hubbard was disappointed and changed, from being open and in touch with other scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists to protective conservation mode in his later years.

Ecclesiastical Scientology

A gradually altered-version of the original Hubbardian Scientology, which took place since 1965/1972. Some claim that the issue of Keeping Scientology Working was the first signal of more dogmatic lines of thought entering the subject.

Neo/Post-Hubbardian Scientology

These are various re-interpretations and developments based on Hubbardian Scientology. One Neo-Hubbardian who is continuing in the footsteps of LRH is Class XII, Pierre Ethier who is/was allegedly (re)-constructing an Upper Bridge beyond OT VIII. Then there is Ralph Hilton of Scientology Austria, who is researching OT 9 upwards.

There is  an LRH contemporary and former partner who published a complete scientology lineup that is different from Hubbard’s in many respects which we could refer to as Filbertian scientology. (G.C.Filbert). There was Captain Bill Robertson, now represented by the so called Rons Orgs, who created another full range of alternative OT levels. There was Ken Ogger aka the Pilot who again developed a diferent range of scientology materials.

There are / were several more off shoots such as Dianology (Eductivism), , Dynamism (Enid Vien), TROM, Idenics, Identics, Transformational Processing, Knowledgism, DEEP, Polar Dynamics, PEAT (was influenced by Scientology) etc.

Buttlerian scientology (Spiritology) was another shortlived, neo-Hubbardian development stressing the eighth dynamic. It was based on the doctrine that all that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating, right now. The idea was to give adepts (ZEN like) a high caliber truth to come to terms with, under high pressure, which some, but not everyone, responded to with great results.


The key philosophical principle states that all that is, is considered by individual or collective consciousness into being. This opens the practical possibility to change that what is, by re-consideration.

Spirit, Mind, Body

Man and the universe are holographically projected by a thetan (consciousness unit) through an individualized as well as collective energetic mind structure, embedded in Absolute Consciousness.

Mind Structure

Many, if not all inhabitants of Earth seemed to have a background of having been electronically implanted in earlier lives with certain automatic response patterns. This is at least what shows up in the sessions.These implants are called GPMs (Goals Problem Masses) and have a pattern that makes certain goals postulated by the being instantly countered by opposition. In order to free a being and restore super and higher dimensional perceptions and  abilities these have to be addressed and discharged.

Scientology Technology

An accumulation of various technologies (techniques) published under Hubbard’s name. Book One Dianetics, Standard Dianetics, New Era Dianetics, New Era Dianetics for OTs, Scientology technique 80, Technique 88, Creative Processing, Effort Processing, Advanced Procedure, SOPs, SOP Goals, GPM processing, Clearing procedures, Grades processing, pre-OT levels, L10,11, and 12 etc.

Standard Technology

In 1968 a streamlining of technology took place which was called Standard Tech and was rigorously enforced as the only permissable version of uniformly working scientology technology.

We use the following definition of Standard Tech by L. Ron Hubbard: “Standard Tech is that tech which has absolutely no arbitraries”.

Examples of arbitraries

Based on this definition, given during the Class VIII course, we can confidently state that the first arbitrary that could appear would be that only Hubbard can produce, discover or declare standard technology.

It therefore also makes sense to assume that LRH actually did turn over his technical hat before his passing. Some evidence of that can be found in the writings of David  and Julie Mayo.

Another arbitrary would be to assume that technology could not be improved or that a working technology has to be “kept working”. History has already shown that even the E-Meter could be improved.

Everyone has the same implanted mental structures would be another arbitrary. Apart from the likelyhood that many would share the same implants, if whole sale implanting occurred in particular regions of the galaxy.

Someone saying these implants can only be handled by repeater technique and when the pattern is known, may be another arbitrary.


There have been many definitions of the state of clear and there are different types of Clear.

The basic idea comes from the verb to clear which means to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted. It is therefore necessary to specify what was cleared of what. In Dianetics and Scientology it was recognized that it may not be possible to actually clear out all charge from trillions of years of accumulated charge on the time track.

Thus the realization occurred that instead of attempting to erase all incidents on the time track, it would suffice to bring the thetan (spiritual being) into such a state of confidence and ability that it could at a glance erase anything which would show up as charge stemming from self generated computations and considerations.

Such a state – evidenced by a clear cognition – may occur while doing dianetics or through running specific implanted GPMs.


Research has shown that there exist certain abilities and awarenesses which follow a natural graded sequence and which all together add up to a high level of personal harmony and relative stability.

When these abilities and awarenesses have been unequivocally attained the spiritual being can almost certainly stay out of trouble or get out of trouble rather smoothly, thus being able to create a generally harmonious personal life.

One of the favorable results of the type of processing which enhances these abilities is that one almost naturally can stay out of any implanted idiocies and stay in power. (Self Determination)

We have specialized in Power Processing and what we call the original Bridge which consisted of Dianetics, Grades, Power, Power Plus, R6 EW and Clearing Course.

Upper Bridge

Fact is that the scientology bridge to total freedom was never completed during LRH’s lifetime. There are however several ‘ascension’ routes available. We deliver original OT I – VII and OT VIII. We also repair any mishaps or failures  from COS misapplications.

The highest level of processing – as per the axioms – would be considerations processing and also this is available.

Alternatively there are the new MGT Consciousness Exploration Routes, which are unlike the scientology routes not limited to the seven dynamics, but reach into the eighth dynamic. (Ref. Multi Genius Technology for Consciousness Vol. I, The Self-Explorer’s Handbook.)


Supervision and guidance is available on all levels at the MGT Institute and all programs are tailored to the individual.


The work on this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Peculiarity of the basic tenet of Spiritologie

Andreas Buttler, the founder of Spiritologie said in his written statement which was published in January 2014.

“Anyone who has been extensively involved with Spiritologie knows the foundations, on which it is built. These fundamentals define why we do sessions why we look for considerations and why we want to gradually improve and perfect our thinking.

The most important foundation pillar can be found in the chapter “The Spiritual Being”:

All—and I really mean precisely what I am saying here, all– that you perceive and experience is exactly what you, out of yourself and through your own causal thinking, are creating – actually right now!…”

What was worrying me was the fact that in the last two years I experienced different things, which contradicted the foundations as shown in the above statements; which meant that I did after all find exceptions to these basic statements….etc

Andreas then goes on and finally states:

“Since I can no longer with a clear conscience – from current view and state of knowledge represent the basic statements of the book as “demonstrably and without exception” true, I renounce my declarations in support of the fundamentals described in my book Spiritologie” and in various lectures!”

This ground pillar of Spiritologie is an interesting statement from a logical point of view. Read the statement in italics above again. First he believed it was true and now he says and believes it is false.

Logic 1: Andreas thinks the fundamental is false that means that Andreas experiences the statement as false and that this experience is not caused by his thinking right now.

Logic 2: By his causative thinking that the statement is false, he will experience that the statement is false. Thus the statement is true.

Do you follow?

Self reference Ouberos

If anyone for that matter thinks the fundamental tenet – the statement – is not true, they will experience exactly that. This confirms the statement.

So now we can all see this and recognize that the fundamental tenet of Spiritologie as stated by Andreas Buttler is and was a self-referential statement. So here we have the paradox all nicely laid out and we can stop worrying about it.

I have no doubt that Andreas was not aware of the full implications as we have sketched above. Once he does see that it may be a relief also for him

de Nada, 2014 March 13

*See here about Self-reference

Spiritologie A brief summary …

A brief summary of the essentials for those familiar with scientology

by Caspar de Rijk,   Class IX auditor, former solo CS AOSH EU, 25 years Sea Org

8 January 2012 rev. 16-1-2013

Spiritologie is said by some to be a sequel to scientology. It takes pure and basic scientology into new heights of simplicity! Its techniques are based on the principle which is also the essential ingredient of all forms of dianetic and scientology processing which is the creative ability of the thetan.

Axiom 2 states: The static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.

Axiom 3 describes the major results of using the capability described in Axiom 2.

Considerations senior

In the earlier versions of the Book of Basics (before current COS management took it out), there was a two-page article titled ‘Consideration and Mechanics’, which described the goal of processing as: ‘to bring an individual into such thorough communication with the physical universe that he can regain the power and ability of his own considerations (postulates)’.

The brilliance of the Spiritologie breakthrough conceived of by the German auditor, actor and musician Andreas Buttler is contained in the use of the power of the imagination. Its technology can be applied by anyone at any level of the bridge.

The book Spiritologie could be said to be “Truth Revealed”, it has been acclaimed as a comprehensive summary of all the essentials of Scientology and it also contains all of the data needed to fully rehabilitate oneself as a Spiritual Being – in a practical sense. Spiritologie Considerations Processing can be done with or without a meter.

The Eighth Dynamic

It is well known to scientologists that the science of scientology does not intrude into the Dynamic of the Supreme Being. That is one other reason why we say Spiritologie is not Scientology. Spiritologie is a new approach and technology that embraces the Eighth Dynamic in full !

All of this would not have been possible without the many hours of auditing and in particular solo auditing on the higher levels of OT III and above, which was the contribution of many scientologists, which led to a general discharge of the core of that which held the implants in place.

New OT Rundowns

This approach from the Eighth Dynamic is why even pre-OT levels (OT I – VII) are no longer required now for those who embark on the new OT Rundowns which are aptly named the Infinity Rundown, the Pan-Determinism Rundown and the final Absolute Zero Rundown.

This is also why its tech handles any and all phenomena encountered in Scientology which often required complex and intricate procedures which highly classed auditors know all about.

LRH Vision

All this may be what LRH had envisioned in writing his unpublished “Excalibur”, which was ahead of its time. The time has come now for these truths to be communicated directly without further dress-up or complexity.

I have waited a long time before I could write this article…. I wanted to see it work in all its aspects and gain a personal certainty. This I have achieved for myself after attesting the Absolute Zero Rd last year. What I present in this article is in accordance with my personal truth. Even though this may not all be real to you, may I invite you to take an honest look at the subject, try out some of the processes and decide for yourself whether an even better bridge has been built.




Facebook: Caspar de Rijk

Skype: caspar2004

Twitter: Caspar de Rijk @ Spiritologie



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