Defining Mathematics


Mathematics are the basic epistemological and ontological concepts (postulates, considerations, thoughts) underlying the very structure and functions of the universe or all that is. The most basic and simple concept of all is zero or nothing. Nothing requires nothing to exist. This zero was erroneously considered ‘static’ by Hubbard. There is no such thing as a static nothing, such cannot exist and is the idea of absolute non-existence of which we cannot say anything at all. True mathematics therefore could be defined as the study of the dynamic zero. X + (–) Y = 0

Hubbard referred frequently to the principle that function monitors structure. I think now that it is more precise to say that mathematics monitors both function and structure.

In other words mathematics is the study of numbers, relationships, structures, functions, symmetries, dimensions and frequencies, encompassing zero and infinity and what lies in between.
Some of these basic concepts are: existence, reason (cause), mind, monad, thought, order (sequence), energy, motion, frequency, symmetry, space, time.

ref. book: Critique of Pure Scientology

Consciousness, Sentience and Awareness

Consciousness and awareness are two different things; just as perception is not the same as consciousness. Consciousness is also often confused with sentience. Sentience is the capacity to be aware of feelings and sensations. Sentience and awareness we share with the animal world, consciousness is not available to animals as it requires sort of a ‘double take’, a ‘thought about thought’ modus and may even require language to develop and exchange concepts.
In Scientology consciousness is adequately described in the concepts of the thetan, the analytical mind and awareness of awareness unit. Awareness is mostly perceptual experience, it  exists in many forms such as sense perceptions, the experience of art, in meditation and Buddhist mindfulness. Percepts depend on the concepts of space and time, as without those one cannot hear or see. Consciousness requires concepts and thought about concepts, even hierarchies of concepts, it’s meta-awareness. It’s also referred to as apperception, in more scientific or philosophical circles.

Hubbard in Scientology, often fails to distinguish between these two concepts and defines consciousness as awareness and awareness as perception:

1. awareness of now. (DTOT, p.24)

2. consciousness is awareness. Awareness itself is perception. (2ACC-8B, 5311CM24)


1. the ability to perceive the existence of (HCOB 4 January 1973)

2. awareness itself is perception (2ACC-8B 5311CM24)

ref. Dianetics and Scientology TECHNICAL DICTIONARY

Theta is Reason




That is basically what I am trying to say in my book ‘Critique of Pure Scientology’. Hubbard was so close but missed this final step in the puzzle which is that mathematics is underlying the considerations and postulates. Mathematics determines what is considerable.

ref. Phoenix Lectures

Two Types of ARC

ARC-1: Affinity, Reality and Communication= Experience

ARC is what we have in common with animals, we can experience things love, agree and observe, we can communicate with things and thus experience them. ARC has to do with the phenomenal world.

ARC-2: Actuality plus Reasoning and Concepts = Understanding

Actuality, not ‘scientological reality’ is accessible through reason and leads to concepts which all together leads to understanding. Understanding goes deeper than surface reality, or appearances it goes into why things are what they are. ARC has to do with the noumenal world of ideas and theta (reason, mathematics) itself.


Numbers have always existed. The same cannot be said of words. The latter are man made constructs and arbitrary. In Scientology literacy and superliteracy have been stressed and indeed clearing word definitions is of the utmost importance to achieve conceptual understanding.

But if numbers are eternal and even more basic as concepts compared to words it is paramount that students achieve a sufficient level of numeracy in that they at least study and understand basic numerical relationships and a study of enough mathematics will lead to what one might call supernumeracy.