As-Is – Quantum Reviewed

“As-is-ness is defined in Scientology as the condition of immediate creation without persistence, and is the condition of existence which exists at the moment of creation and the moment of destruction…” LRH

In other words we start from nothing and this is followed by the creation of something immediately followed by its destruction. One could say that this is what happens at every successive moment of now, where the selected future possibility is actualized and the past creation is discarded. Quantum mechanics tells us that the moment of creation is the moment the wave function collapses. Right there a new wave function with its full potential in superposition is formed and subsequently collapsed into the next reality all taking place now.

Thus we have here all the elements of existence, namely creation, change – from nothing to something to nothing, to something and so on. And that gives the appearance of a continuum. The something to nothing is the destruction that follows the creation. This process is nothing more than BECOMING which goes from NOTHING TO BEING TO NOTHING TO BEING.