Meditation Etymology

I was never happy with the derivation or etymology as it is called of the word meditation. The dictionaries usually say it is from Latin meditatio, a thinking over.

I studied it out some more and worked out a different derivation as follows:

medi-tare: from ‘medi’ – Latin locative of medius=middle
(similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)

So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”.

In other words locating the still center, (static source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. This makes a lot more sense to me.

And what is more this word can now be properly aligned with other activities that have a similar purpose.

de Nada


“Religion is religion only when it unites, religion is no more religion when it divides, religion is not for dividing people, it’s for uniting  people.”
                         Speech By S. N. Goenka inU.N. Peace Summit,  year 2000

If the word religion (Lat. re-ligare) stands for ways to connect again to God and there is one God. Then they could not do anything else but unite people.

Thus we can evaluate religions.

de Nada