If we compare life to a game of chess, we might have the following scenario. There is a static board which is the spacetime Cartesian grid and there are invisible static rules. Then there are players usually two and sixteen white pieces and sixteen black pieces. The two players are clusters of invisible thetans or souls. There is a cluster called white and one called black. These thetans are mathematical functions*, which is to say they have thought energy of a limitless potential. Each of the thetans operates one of the pieces, coordinated by the thetan in charge of the respective cluster. Part of that mathematical thought energy, in the lower frequencies, they share and that makes the board and the pieces solid. The pieces are the energy particles and configurations they play with.
The purpose of the game is for all participants to reach gnosis and to continue to play until every aspect and combinations in and of the game have been completely understood, which is the apotheosis. They learn to become God, by overcoming Satan, in the form of the opponent’s king, every time, in each iteration of the game, eventually being able to re-program the game itself.
*There is no difference between mathematics and thinking. Mathematics is merely another term for precise thinking.” ARC and the Tone scale, 4 November 1950