Scientology as a Philosophy – Ideal Scene

As a philosophy it should be based on reason.

It should be as simple as possible, but not simpler

It should explain everything under the sun in an intelligible way.

It should be internally consistent i.e. free from contradictions.

It should be complete

It should be explicit in its assumptions


At the time of Hubbard’s departure, it was not consistent, nor complete, which I have pointed out in detail in the book ‘Critique of Pure Scientology’.

The number one goofs are:
Theta is static
Life is static and has no energy

The correct statements should be:
Theta is static as well as dynamic, being as well as becoming
Life is energy


Why is money so powerful? Why do we all agree so easily on the concept and universality of money? Compare the wide acceptance of money with the lack of universal acceptance of religious or political ideas and things like what is the meaning of words.

The reason is simple we don’t agree in language and on words, but we do agree on NUMBERS, and that is where the Babylonian Money Magic is based on.

On the other hand, two numbers are avoided by most in financial considerations, and these are zero and infinity. Zero is generally not appreciated in one’s own treasury. When it closes all accounts and does away with debt, the banks don’t like it. Infinity is reserved for the elite and is out of bounds for most people.

Reason is everything

Theta is reason. A reason is the thought behind whatever it is the reason for. Everything that exists is or has an underlying thought or reason. “In the beginning and forever is the decision and the decision is TO BE.” LRH

Existence was preceded by a decision, which is a type of thought. Or we could say that the reason for existence was the decision. Therefore one can validly state that reason is the driving force or dynamic principle of existence.



What is less clear is how all this applies in the dreamworld. Dreaming is a mental activity, which can take place in more or less conscious modes. Mostly we don’t remember but when we do it’s obvious we had a whole world consisting of mental matter, energy, space and time in front of us.


Were we at cause knowingly and at will creating the dream? If so we would have been engaged in what is known as ‘lucid dreaming’. This is the dream state where one wakes up in the dream and takes control of what’s going on.

How can one be Clear without being able to do lucid dreaming? Why was this never part of Scientology? Overlooked? What else is overlooked in Scientology?

Copyright © MGT International Foundation, 2021

Defining Mathematics


Mathematics are the basic epistemological and ontological concepts (postulates, considerations, thoughts) underlying the very structure and functions of the universe or all that is. The most basic and simple concept of all is zero or nothing. Nothing requires nothing to exist. This zero was erroneously considered ‘static’ by Hubbard. There is no such thing as a static nothing, such cannot exist and is the idea of absolute non-existence of which we cannot say anything at all. True mathematics therefore could be defined as the study of the dynamic zero. X + (–) Y = 0

Hubbard referred frequently to the principle that function monitors structure. I think now that it is more precise to say that mathematics monitors both function and structure.

In other words mathematics is the study of numbers, relationships, structures, functions, symmetries, dimensions and frequencies, encompassing zero and infinity and what lies in between.
Some of these basic concepts are: existence, reason (cause), mind, monad, thought, order (sequence), energy, motion, frequency, symmetry, space, time.

ref. book: Critique of Pure Scientology

Consciousness, Sentience and Awareness

Consciousness and awareness are two different things; just as perception is not the same as consciousness. Consciousness is also often confused with sentience. Sentience is the capacity to be aware of feelings and sensations. Sentience and awareness we share with the animal world, consciousness is not available to animals as it requires sort of a ‘double take’, a ‘thought about thought’ modus and may even require language to develop and exchange concepts.
In Scientology consciousness is adequately described in the concepts of the thetan, the analytical mind and awareness of awareness unit. Awareness is mostly perceptual experience, it  exists in many forms such as sense perceptions, the experience of art, in meditation and Buddhist mindfulness. Percepts depend on the concepts of space and time, as without those one cannot hear or see. Consciousness requires concepts and thought about concepts, even hierarchies of concepts, it’s meta-awareness. It’s also referred to as apperception, in more scientific or philosophical circles.

Hubbard in Scientology, often fails to distinguish between these two concepts and defines consciousness as awareness and awareness as perception:

1. awareness of now. (DTOT, p.24)

2. consciousness is awareness. Awareness itself is perception. (2ACC-8B, 5311CM24)


1. the ability to perceive the existence of (HCOB 4 January 1973)

2. awareness itself is perception (2ACC-8B 5311CM24)

ref. Dianetics and Scientology TECHNICAL DICTIONARY