OT and the Abrahamic God

The state of OT:
Knowing and willing cause over thought, life, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective. If this is not monotheism it will be the everlasting war of OTs to establish who is the supreme Cause.

It is not well advertised in scientology, but according to Hubbard the operating thetan can also create other thetans. The latter ability is the exact equivalent of the Abrahamic God. The one who created all Christian, Jewish and muslim souls.

See also the book “Critique of Pure Scientology” available from Amazon.


Clear and OT are equivalent concepts. The only difference is whether we take one or all dynamics into account. If we are intent on becoming OT and if LRH and others (Hindus, Sanatana Dharma) were right and we were once–trillions of years ago–Clear and OT then logically it must be possible to attain the state again. Scientologists unlike the Vedic scholars and Dharmis (Hindus), tend to believe in a linear time and space track. When looking at the time track they often ignore the cycle of action, which of course stems from the Rig Veda as LRH pointed out. In Hindu cosmology time although going back into the hundreds of trillions of years ago is cyclic and takes the form of so called yugas. A Yuga cycle has four periods, as pictured below. Taken from Wikipedia:

shows the Yugas“Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga, “the age of truth” or the “Hindu golden age”): the first and best yuga in a cycle. It is the age of truth and perfection.”
Thus we could say that the satya yuga is equivalent to all of us being Clears and OTs and bathing in truth and perfection and harmony. We might ask though: ‘but why didn’t we remain in a state of eternal bliss forever?’ That is what the Christian heaven was all about, eternal admiration and contemplation of a perfect God, to which we tend to say “how boring”. The Vedic solution was to enter some randomity, or evil into the picture in a 1:3 ratio, this they named the Treta Yuga. Treta means third. This was followed by two more yugas where the proportions of evil to good went from 2:2 to 3:1 in the Kali Yuga. The latter could be considered our curent era.

Thus we have arrived at the concept of life as a game, life not as static but as becoming. A game as is well understood consists of purposes, freedoms and barriers and includes opponents. The entire tone scale in the upward direction is driven by the attempt to increase knowledge, control and responsibility or as Nietzsche put it the Will to Power. This is also reflected in the Scientology ethics conditions all leading up to power.

Scientific evidence points in the direction of the physical universe being created at the time of the so called Big Bang some 15 billion years ago. Most scientists mistakenly believe the entire universe was so created; it must be taken in to account that their materialistic paradigm does not allow for the existence of actual independent minds and spirits.

In a recent series of sessions I tried to look back at the beginning of this universe and I had in mind the idea that we once upon a time we actually had created a perfect civilization which included that we all had attained the highest spiritual states possible. In other words we had been clear and OTs in the absolute sense of those terms, completely cause over matter, energy, space and time subjective and objective.

One thing I found out is that it wasn’t so much an individual thing but it had become a social phenomenon; at that time we had actually learnt to cooperate, in fact we used competition to find out the best way to cooperate. We had reached a point where the physical was 100% under our control and you know what that is; it’s what scientists have referred to as the Big Crunch, as the universe attained maximum entropy it turned into a black hole singularity, we as beings became Gods and there was at one point zero entropy we were as ONE. Not that we had lost our individuality, not at all, each one of us had found the perfect expression of her inner potential and we knew how to work together to achieve the greatest works of art and beauty. We could enjoy the perfect music and also knew how to compose the universal music of reality itself.

We had arrived at what we described above as the Satya Yuga, we just had to do something we couldn’t keep the ecstatic orgasm going forever, we tried…

It was mathematically ordained it seemed. You must understand what a singularity is. A singularity is a mathematical point, a zero, often referred to in scientology as a static. This is not quite accurate as that singularity is full of energy, but you could consider the container static. The singularity contained an infinity of such static containers filled with energy, or what we call thetans. What the physicists don’t get is that it is mental energy or mathematical wave energy. It is where the physical has turned into the mental or in the case of a white hole the mental turned into the physical. It can only be truly understood mathematically. Zero and infinity are the principal ingredients of the mind. Google the graph of the mathematical function f(x)=1/x and you will see how zero turns into infinity and infinity turns into zero. http://zonalandeducation.com/mmts/functionInstitute/rationalFunctions/oneOverX/oneOverX.html

From a singularity with unity or god consciousness, with absolutely no spatial or temporal impediments to our postulates, zero resistance, zero charge, we promptly exploded into a myriad of pieces, all coherence gone and absolute chaos. That was the horrific Big Bang incident which was going from complete understanding, harmony and unity to being spread out and separated in a new spacetime template. We completely lost consciousness and it took as billions of years of evolution to regain it.

Talking of engrams this was the absolute basic incident, later stuff like implanting was just part of the game conditions that half conscious minds were engaged in throughout history as part of the many power games that were playing out. What became later to be called the reactive mind was considered to be the result of structural wide spread implanting. I now found that this is not the basic at all, unconsciousness was the routine state of mind for billions of years until we thetans could develop the highly complex type of bodies with brains with neo cortex etc. Unconscious does not mean absence of ability by the way, just think of the somnambulist driving a car safely and accurately or think of the instincts of the bees, animals or the mathematical–sacred geometry–designs of the plants and flowers. What happened also explains why we don’t remember the earlier cycles, it was a complete reset the only thing remaining is a deep seated knowingness of the perfection of which we were once capable and the indelible urge to advance our consciousness to attain the ultimate once again.

The greatest joy I felt was realizing that we are about to end the Kali Yuga and when we put our conscious abilities to good use, we will have a super society and lives of which we can only dream now. Personally we all will be able to attain the full state of OT and play as we like and enjoy our creative abilities to the fullest.

Axiom One Clarified

Scientology Axiom 1: LIFE IS BASICALLY A STATIC. Definition: A life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.

A life static thus has all defining characteristics of non-life. Life characteristics are dynamic such as are metabolism, growth, reproduction, action and response to stimuli.

Life based on non-life requires a course in miracles or strict training in modern science, where whole universes appear spontaneously out of nowhere, by chance, for no reason.

Therefore we propose the following correction to rescue scientology from non-intelligibility.


Definition: A singularity has no mass, no location in space, nor in time, but it contains all the frequencies of the tone scale, it can think and perceive.

Scientology as a Philosophy – Ideal Scene

As a philosophy it should be based on reason.

It should be as simple as possible, but not simpler

It should explain everything under the sun in an intelligible way.

It should be internally consistent i.e. free from contradictions.

It should be complete

It should be explicit in its assumptions


At the time of Hubbard’s departure, it was not consistent, nor complete, which I have pointed out in detail in the book ‘Critique of Pure Scientology’.

The number one goofs are:
Theta is static
Life is static and has no energy

The correct statements should be:
Theta is static as well as dynamic, being as well as becoming
Life is energy

Perfect Duplication

“AXIOM 12.


Not that I have any trucking with Daniel Dennett but he would label the foregoing statement as deepity*. Perfect duplication as defined above by L. Ron Hubbard is by definition impossible. A condition by definition is a requirement. The absence of perfect duplication is said to be a requirement for any universe. Perfect duplication is not allowed in a physical universe, thus two spaces, energies or object can never occupy the same space. It is the law (condition) of the physical universe.

This means it can never be violated. Then it is meaningless to say that the impossible act of perfect duplication results in the disappearance of that which cannot be perfectly duplicated.

The closest physics comes to anything like perfect duplication is in the area of bosons which can occupy the same quantum state. In that case however there is no disappearance.

Perfect duplication is without a doubt possible as a purely mathematical operation and is only perfect in mathematics. Duplication just means two times the same, such as 2 x 1. In that case there is no disappearance either. But when one takes 1 – 1 , now we have zero and an actual disappearance one could say. So Hubbard was close but not as exact as one would expect from a mathematician.

See also Critique of Pure Scientology, the book which will revolutionize scientology.

* A deepity is a proposition that seems to be profound because it is actually logically ill-formed. It has (at least) two readings and balances precariously between them. On one reading it is true but trivial.


An example of the Sadhguru’s logic: “You assume you have a mind. No, I  am saying you don’t really know., isn’t? Okay if you have a mind you must be able to locate it, isn’t it? Can you locate it? Can you locate where your mind is? … Then you don’t know whether is its there or not.”

This is the type of nonsense you slide into when you can’t properly define your terms, when you don’t have a proper definition of mind. The correct definition of mind includes that it is in the zero domain. That means the mind is not in spacetime, so of course you can’t locate it.

If you believe in mind over matter, which is the power of the mind to control and influence the body and the physical world generally, then the mind is not in the physical universe.



eBook and paperback (color+black&white) now available from Amazon!! https://tinyurl.com/y36s8jh7

The book ‘Critique of Pure Scientology’ has finally been published and is now available on Amazon. For the independent field this will perhaps be a shocker in that it reveals basic flaws in the philosophical structure of Hubbardian Scientology. On the positive side it also contains some new breakthrough material.

It’s a non-linear book analyzing and critiquing scientology philosophically, scientifically and logically. It is a serious and in-depth look at the subject, not a super-duper anti-Hubbard, anti-scientology tirade.

It examines in detail the psychological and metaphysical contents of the subject of scientology as presented in the original materials, not necessarily as presented by the Church of Scientology. It is different from the approach of certain new religion scholars, theologians and sociologists from different academia who tend to examine scientology as a social phenomenon.

It should be of interest to scientologists, ex-scientologists and those who have followed the media in the US and elsewhere, who now want to know more about the actual contents and beliefs. Scientology we believe was an attempt to create a sort of ‘theory of everything’.

We cover the scientology axioms, logics, and its theory of the mind, its origins, earlier and similar efforts and place it in a historical science and science fiction context. One of the things that showed up is that the subject actually contains a certain hitherto unrecognized mathematical substructure, related to zero and infinity.

The author has been personally involved with scientology and the book is his complete re-evaluation of the ethics, rationale, beliefs and mathematics of scientology. In fact it may be the first time an ex-scientologist has scrutinized the subject using scientology itself, its own logics and generally acknowledged philosophical views. The result will be most likely surprising–if not outright shocking–for scientologists and ex-scientologists alike.

Holy Cows, Scientists and Scientologists

We will look at the following: Science and scientology are actually religions! 

It is not accidental that the words scientist and scientologist have several letters in common. Even though this may come to some as an inept comparision there are some similarities that warrant a brief moment of contemplation.

Some scientologists consider anybody not part of their world as inferior and uninformed. But arrogance is found amongst both types. I remember meeting B.F. Skinner while attending a congress on Programmed Instruction in London as a young psychology student and saying to myself what an arrogant fellow. This was based on his behavior and way of talking and that his theory was the only possible explanation.

L. Ron Hubbard was a smart man and original thinker. He was publishing every discovery made by his co-workers as his own work. So do some scientists.

However this is not the point I wish to make. There is a much more important common denominator of scientists and scientologists. They both have strong belief systems. Each of these groups have characteristic holy cows and let me try and tell you the principal ones.

The scientologists believe that considerations or thought in general is senior to the material universe and that nobody will ever be able to master their thought or find the truth without auditing, which is what they call their method to find out.

Scientists on the other hand have an absolute trust and confidence in what they call the scientific method. They strongly believe that the only way to find out or gain real knowledge of the material universe is by the experimental method.

Both groups thus have limited themselves considerably in their methods of acquiring truth. Holy cows are religious, one could say therefore that scientology and science are both religions, quod erat demonstrandum.

De Nada, 2014 March 11th


Meditation Etymology

I was never happy with the derivation or etymology as it is called of the word meditation. The dictionaries usually say it is from Latin meditatio, a thinking over.

I studied it out some more and worked out a different derivation as follows:

medi-tare: from ‘medi’ – Latin locative of medius=middle
(similar to medi-terranean, which means from the Middle Land)

So meditate means: “Seeking or finding the middle, midpoint or center”.

In other words locating the still center, (static source) of things, or communion with God if you wish. This makes a lot more sense to me.

And what is more this word can now be properly aligned with other activities that have a similar purpose.

de Nada


“Religion is religion only when it unites, religion is no more religion when it divides, religion is not for dividing people, it’s for uniting  people.”
                         Speech By S. N. Goenka inU.N. Peace Summit,  year 2000

If the word religion (Lat. re-ligare) stands for ways to connect again to God and there is one God. Then they could not do anything else but unite people.

Thus we can evaluate religions.

de Nada