Mathematics, senior consideration

If considerations and postulates are the basic reality and mathematics are produced by consideration and postulate, as Hubbard claims, then the considerations and postulates must already inherently contain mathematics. The cause cannot contain less than the effect!

“The cause is always equal to or greater than the effect. The cause is of the same order of magnitude as the effect…” LRH, Logics 7-9 and 10-23, 12 November 1952

Descartes cause and effect

“… the “Causal Adequacy Principle” [and] is expressed as follows: “there must be at least as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause,” which in turn implies that something cannot come from nothing.” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

From this it can be clearly seen that a ‘static’ cannot be cause of dynamic life, as life is energy and motion, which is by definition unavailable in a static.



When a person is an avowed and knowing enemy of an individual, a group, project or organization, a Condition of Enemy exists. The formula for the Condition of Enemy is just one step: FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Introduction Into Scientology Ethics, L. Ron Hubbard

One could read this as unconditional love. The underlying philosophy here is that an actual enemy is not real, cannot exist or has no sufficient reason to exist. However if you are against a group’s project, it does not mean that you are the enemy of that group. You may just have a good reason to be against the project without being against the group or organization.

A real and workable formula for the  positive condition of enemy is: BE STRONG AND FIND OUT HOW TO EFFECTIVELY AND WITH MINIMUM ENERGY EXPENDITURE DEPOWER THE ENEMY.

This is the formula that should be applied by any serious progressive, leftists to the enemies, the Old World Order of psychopath, predatory capitalists, oligarchs, monarchs, popes, kings, international bankers, corporate CEOs and their lieutenants in politics and religion. The real progressives would want a New World Order, where we can all flourish and prosper.


Existence (life, thetans, minds, souls and their products) is basically static and dynamic. (ref. Kybalion, Hermetic Laws of Polarity and Vibrations.) Dynamic as they are full of energy (mental energy) and static as containers of the eternal mathematical laws ruling their relationships.

This does after all align with the first axiom of Scientology, which states that life is basically a static, due to the dual definition thereof. The oddity in Scientology is that it defines a static as static and dynamic in one go. A static is defined negatively as a mathematical zero in terms of the physical universe, and positively as the ability to postulate (causative thinking producing conditions and actions) in other words dynamically energizing things and to perceive the results.

This is very close to Leibniz’ concept of the monad.

A mathematical zero implies infinity or one could say it is the flip side of infinity. LRH hinted at that when he said:” Here we have—who knows? —a hole in space. But it is certainly a static line of some sort which contains a zero, which is an infinity—an interesting gimmick. It is theta, whatever it is.”  Wichita, Kansas Lecture 9 Oct. 195 1 Statics and Motions

So, there we have it, a static zero inextricably related to a dynamic of infinite energy. All that exists is the product of thought waves (considerations) or mental energy, which is held in the static containers (thetans) who collectively create the physical world.

Aristotle, the unmoved mover

“Because matter is, for Aristotle, a substratum in which a potential to change can be actualized, any and all potentiality must be actualized in a being that is eternal but it must not be still, because continuous activity is essential for all forms of life.

“This immaterial form of activity must be intellectual in nature and it cannot be contingent upon sensory perception if it is to remain uniform; therefore, eternal substance must think only of thinking itself and exist outside the starry sphere, where even the notion of place is undefined for Aristotle.”   Wikipedia, article on Unmoved Mover

So, we see that unmoved movers still are in motion. No physical motion but mental motion. That is why there cannot be static thetans, without immaterial, spiritual motion they would cease to exist.